Are you a late-model "Star Trek" fan with issues about your guy J.J. Abrams jumping ship in order to direct the next "Star Wars" film? Or maybe a "Star Wars" devotee filled with dread at having your favorite franchise be under the control of someone who's directed two "Star Trek" films?
If so, there's a musical for you. "JJ Abrams Star Wars -- The Musical," to be precise.
Picture Darth Vader and Abrams singing at each other on a pier. Picture Vader shaming Abrams -- well, a very poor look-alike at least -- with a line like, "So you think // you can walk right in // You who joined with the other side // You now betray every 'Star Trek' fan // You have crushed their pride." And then Abrams' rejoinder, "It is true // That I have jumped ship // I was always a Star (Trek) Wars guy // I cannot pass on this perfect chance // Let's see eye to eye."
This is YouTube silliness at its best. It's topical, it's funny (sort of), and it's camp of the highest order. What's not to love?
George Lucas and new 'Star Wars Episode VII' director J.J. Abrams.
Joi Ito)
Abrams, of course, was recently named the director of the "Star Wars Episode VII" after already directing 2009's "Star Trek," and the forthcoming "Star Trek Into Darkness."
Some, of course, wonder whether someone with such a "Star Trek" pedigree can switch sides.
But as our musical's fictional Abrams notes to the incredulous Vader, he will return the "Star Wars" franchise to its glory days, starting with what every real fan's obvious first step: killing off Jar Jar.
Forget Episode VII, watch 'JJ Abrams Star Wars - The Musical'
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Forget Episode VII, watch 'JJ Abrams Star Wars - The Musical'
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Forget Episode VII, watch 'JJ Abrams Star Wars - The Musical'